Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Letter to NWYC from Senator Edward M. Kennedy

"Thank you for the opportunity to discuss the importance of the correspondence I receive from my constituents. All too often, people underestimate the effectiveness of writing a letter or making a phone call to their representatives in Congress. In fact, it's the oxygen of our daily work. Serving the state of Massachusetts is the greatest privilege of my life. I care very deeply about what they think of the issues we're dealing with or should be dealing with, and how well we're dealing with them.

As an elected official, I deeply value and appreciate the feedback of my constituents. A current, in-depth appreciation of their needs and concerns is vital to the effectiveness of my work, and a major source of that understanding comes from the phone calls, the emails, and the letters I receive every day. It is through this contact that constituents are able to let me know of the issues that are most important to their lives, and I do my best to respond to their concerns.

I commend National Write Your Congressman for its leadership in involving members of communities in their government. Thank you for your work, and for providing me the occasion to discuss such an important issue, and for keeping all of us in Congress in closer touch with the constituents we serve." -Senator Edward M. Kennedy, Massachusetts, Nov. 1, 2005

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